Lately we’ve had about 3ooo newborns come through the studio on the Baby Plan. Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration, but we have had a lot of them. I’ve been tee-teed on, poopied on, spit-up on…it’s been Great! Seriously, though, we love these little ones so much! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there’s just something so perfectly precious about a newborn. The way they smell, the way they curl up, the sweet little facial expressions. It’s amazing how fast all of these things will change. Collin and I LOVE helping you hang on to these early days forever in the form of portraits!
Little Lauren was born three weeks early, so she was especially teeny for her session! While I was holding her and rocking her to sleep before Collin began photographing her, I kept looking at that sweet face and thinking “Wow, she shouldn’t even be here for another two weeks! This is what a baby looks like in the final weeks of pregnancy. Amazing!” Lauren is absolutely beautiful and belongs to one of our very favorite families. We look forward to watching her as she grows up into a little girl. We love you, Sweet Baby!
Lauren is so precious…and so tiny! I absolutely adore the one in the red hat!!!!
We love you guys!!! (and your wonderful blessings of artistic talent!!)