Sweet, Snuggly Ava Jane

Remember Miss Ava Jane in the hospital a few posts back? Well, yesterday Collin and I went to visit her at home for Collin to photograph her…and she’s getting more and more gorgeous each time I see her! Ava was one week old yesterday and she seems to be settling into her new role as princess of the house quite nicely. Ummm…and her momma, Kate? WOW!! Gorgeous!!! Brand new motherhood sits you well, Kate. It’s clear where Miss Ava got her beauty from! Ava Jane, you are a precious little girl. I am SO Excited to see you grow up. We love you, Baby Girl!

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  • ErinFebruary 24, 2010 - 3:35 pm

    Absolutely beautiful! Ava is GORGEOUS and so is Momma Kate! LOVE the first one of them together!ReplyCancel

  • gillianFebruary 25, 2010 - 7:38 am

    Totally agree with Erin! How come I never thought of special things to do for Layla’s sessions, like having it at our house, or using my grandmothers little rocking chair…i hear my clock ticking! 😆ReplyCancel