Beach days, that is. And it makes me so happy. I LOVE the beach. So do Mak and CB. This past weekend we had the opportunity to go to Jacksonville to celebrate Collin’s grandfather’s 95th birthday. 95 years. WOW. We love this man. He’s amazing and has had an amazing life. He and Collin’s grandmother have the most romantic love story I have ever heard. It makes me so happy to be able to claim them as family. They met when he was stationed in New Zealand during World War Two. They had seven dates, fell madly in love, got married, and he shipped out. For two years. They were apart for TWO years and then he sent for her to come to America, where they raised three sons and lived an incredible life together. They were married for 50 years when she died. I never knew Collin’s Mimi personally, although I feel like I know her well through the stories I have heard from her husband, sons, grandson, and friends. I know she loved her family like crazy, loved to laugh and just loved life. I think someone should make a movie about them. 🙂
Collin’s grandfather is the kind of man you could sit and listen to for hours and never get bored. The experiences he has had are incredible. And HILARIOUS. I have listened to this man tell stories with tears running down my face from laughing so hard. I am so blessed to know him. My children are so blessed to know him. We love our Abie and were thrilled to be there to celebrate his 95th birthday.
The actual birthday party was held Sunday night and wasn’t exactly a kid friendly thing, so I stayed with them in the hotel. For that reason we decided to find something on the beach with a great pool. Because it’s always sunny and at least 80 degrees in Florida, right? I would lounge by the pool while the kids played happily in the water and Collin attended the party. I could see it in my head. It was beautiful. They would play themselves silly and immediately fall into a deep, blissful sleep when I took them back to the hotel room. Doggone if it wasn’t 59 degrees and RAINING all day on Sunday. We did manage to get a few short minutes to enjoy the resort before the downpour began.
This is what we woke up to…Beautiful Sunrise!
I just love the beach in the early early morning. Good thing, because the kids are NOT late sleepers. We frequently see the beach at sunrise. 😉
It was Freezing. Our kids are NUTS.
I LOVE this next image. I’m not sure what it is that I love so much, but it’s my favorite from the weekend. When I look at it I see this great big beautiful world that God has created for us. And a little boy that He loves enjoying it to the fullest. Mak looks SO Small here. That’s probably why I like it so much. 🙂
And I love her timid little footsteps. Has anyone else noticed Clara Beth growing up on me? It’s hurting my heart a little…
This is Clara Beth’s “please get the camera out of my face so I can get in that pool NOW” face. 🙂
And Mak’s.
The water was heated but it was still freezing to me and Collin. And then the rain started so we high-tailed it back to the room. That night Mak woke up wheezing. Probably had something to do with him running around in the cold soaking wet. Mother of the Year, right here.
And, finally, the reason for the trip…Abie’s party. Collin photographed for just a few minutes before putting the camera away and enjoying the company of family and friends that we don’t see nearly enough. From what I hear, the party was perfect. A wonderful celebration of the life of this man that is loved by so many. Happy, Happy Birthday, Abie!
He looks pretty great at 95, don’t you think?
Abie and his three sons
Collin’s Gorgeous cousin, Summer. I’m hoping CB got her long leg genes. Cause they aren’t coming from my side of the family!! 🙂
It was such a perfect weekend celebrating Abie and seeing friends and family!
there are so many great shots in this post!!! that sunrise is incredible! and CB’s dress flipping up as she runs after Mak toward the ocean…Mak chasing the seagulls…CB’s expressions are priceless…and the birthday boy is looking good! so happy y’all were able to get away to be a part of his wonderful celebration!!!