Baby, it’s COLD Outside!

What’s going on with this weather? Rain, then sunshine, then CRAZY wind…and tomorrow it’s supposed to be cold, right? I have to say I am very ready for warm weather to be here for good. One of the greatest things about living in SC is the two month winter, right?

One good thing about the weather turning colder for a few days is that I finally feel like I can blog Miss Anna’s session in her FABULOUS red coat. I haven’t blogged it yet because I just couldn’t get past the fact that I was blogging a winter session when it was 75 degrees outside. It just didn’t seem right, you know? My blog posts have to fit my mood. I know it’s strange!

Miss Anna was ALL SMILES for her session! We had so much fun! Love you, Sweetie!

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  • gillianApril 7, 2009 - 9:20 am

    What a great session!!! She is so cute!!!!ReplyCancel

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