
We are Collin and Aron Smith. First and foremost, above all else, we are children of God. We are thankful to Him for every blessing in our lives and believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is our Savior.

We met at the University of South Carolina, dated for a year, got engaged, got married 11 months later and have been living our happily ever after since then. We think marriage is the greatest.

We are parents. We have been blessed with a rough and tumble little boy named Makgill who loves to do crazy things and endanger his life on a daily basis. He climbs to the tops of trees, runs with sticks and in general terrifies us. He is absolutely the most hilarious kid we have ever met. He keeps life fun. Two years after our little daredevil came along his little sister was born. She invaded our home with an explosion of pink and four years later, the dust has yet to settle. She is all girl. She is most comfortable in a tutu and she sings and dances her way through life. She has the sweetest, most sensitive heart of anyone I know. We love them both more than we ever thought was possible and we are so incredibly blessed to be the ones that they call Momma and Daddy.

We love our clients. We have met the most amazing people through our studio and are so grateful for the relationships that have developed. Some of our closest friends started out as clients. We love watching our families grow and change, seeing new babies join the families, watching kids grow from babies to toddlers to kids...it's just fun.

We believe Life is Beautiful. Every part of it. The joy, the sadness, the excitement...it's all beautiful. We consider it our greatest honor when you choose us to help you preserve your beautiful life through portraits. Our hope is that we will provide you with photographs that you will cherish as you look back on the moments of your life. We value these moments and hope to help you capture them for many years to come.