when my hair will get washed but it probably won’t be dried…make-up will not touch my cheeks…school will not begin until the hour that it’s usually over…kids more than likely won’t make it out of pajamas…laundry will be done but not folded and put away…many books will be read…I will jump up and shove the “frow-up” bucket under Clara Beth’s face every time she moves because I am TERRIFIED that she will puke again (even though it’s been hours)…I will only permit spoonfulls of ice chips and sips of pedialyte every 10 minutes because again, I’m scared of the frow up…every time I look at CB she will say “I’m still fine” (more than slightly exasperated with her Momma)…I will continue to be paranoid anyway…movies will be watched…babes will be loved.
Miss CB brought a lovely little bug home with her from Disney. Let’s just say that the drive home yesterday was MISERABLE. I’m 99% confident that it’s over and she is completely well, but still, I’m taking today to be lazy. Today I am very thankful for the flexibility of home school. Also thankful that my super smart hubby scheduled no sessions today, only projections, and I am not needed in the studio. Counting my blessings. =)
ooooo, poor thing! this was one of my very favorite posts ever!!!