Get ready to learn more about Miss CB than you ever wanted to know. See, she started dance today so of course I HAVE to blog about that. But then (I’m so embarrassed to tell you this) I still haven’t done her three year post. It’s August. She turned three in May. Appalling, I know. If her three year post is not up by Saturday I am asking you all to yell at me and write mean things on the blog. It’s ridiculous!!! My baby girl is way too important to be neglected like that!
So, Dance class. I’ve said it before many times. I’ve been looking forward to this day since the ultrasound tech said “It’s a girl!” There’s nothing quite as cute as three year old little girl legs in tights and ballet shoes. Just precious. So last week we went and got the leotard, tights, and shoes and ever since then she has been “practicing” every day. It’s adorable. Collin did a session of her “practicing” (as she calls it) last night. These are some of my favorite images of her EVER!!!
And this afternoon was the first class! She has a great teacher and some of the cutest kids I have ever seen in her class. Some were crying, some were eager little things ready to start and some (Miss CB) were just sitting there taking it all in. I have to admit I was a little worried that she wouldn’t participate. And she didn’t for the first song. She just watched all of the other little girls and never moved a muscle. But as soon as that song was over, she was READY! Baby Girl danced her little heart out for the rest of the hour. And I loved every minute of watching her through that 1-way window. After it was all over she came running up to Bubbo and me with a huge grin and said “Did you hear me? Did you hear me tap???” Tap was her favorite part with pointing her toes in her ballet shoes coming in at a close second. I’m Thrilled that it went so well and she’s already talking about next week’s class!
We got ready at my parent’s house because it was a convenient place to stop after picking Mak up from school. Here she is admiring herself in the mirror after getting dressed. She was pleased. Stinker.
Loves for Bubbo
And here are a few from the actual class. They had one of those 1 way window things that I could watch her through. I was so glad for that! I know if she had seen me standing in the doorway with a camera there would have been NO getting her to participate. This way, I got my pictures (yes, through a window…not ideal) and she didn’t know that I never took my eyes off of her!
We knew quite a few little cuties in her class. Here’s Clara Beth with Miss Kate, one of our studio girls!
Check out that step!
Okay, this one absolutely cracks me up!!! So chaotic and SO Stinkin’ CUTE!!!
She was so excited to tell Li-Li (my mom) all about it. And Li-Li rewarded her with a milkshake. Such a Great grandmother!
I’m so happy that the first class was a success!
I LOVE it!!! She is so stinkin cute! OOOOO, makes me *think* I cant wait until Lindsey is old enough to take dance! But I cannnot think about that today
Mae has that same leotard! I love it! Mae watched the first 2 entire classes and never did a thing. But when she came out, she told me all about it, like she had participated 100%. The teacher told me not to worry – she was just observing so she could make sure she did it right. And now she knows every step. I’m so glad CB loved it – Mae sure does!
The pics are so sweet and precious. What a bright-eyed beauty!
I KNEW IT!!! and she has MRS. KATIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t wait, well I can, but…I can’t wait for Layla to dance!!!
Thanks, Y’all! I know this is going to be so much FUN!!!
These precious pictures of CB take me back about 5 years when Hannah took that class at School of Dance Arts. Ohhhh, they grow up sooo fast!
I remember taking dance there one year. It was my first jazz class with Mrs. Cecilia. My tap days were at Patsy Hathcock. I absolutely love the pics of CB in the studio. She has been watching those senior sessions very carefully!
Kris, does Hannah still take? And, I know! They grow up WAY too fast…I can’t believe we are already at this stage!
Dyan, I took with Cecilia too! It was so much fun! And, yes, she has been watching those seniors!
I have to agree with you- these pictures are magical and irreplacable. She is so precious with those ballet shoes and leotard. You are so blessed to have a little girl!
I have to agree with you- these pictures are magical and irreplacable. She is so precious with those ballet shoes and leotard. You are so blessed to have a tiny dancer!
Thank you, Stephanie! Collin and I were talking about you the other day…we had a girl in here for a maternity session and both of us could NOT believe how much she reminded us of you! I kept wanting to call her Stephanie. We miss y’all! Hope things are going well in TN. Kiss those boys for me!
No, Hannah gave up dance after that 1 year. I think she thought she was going to get to dance the way SHE wanted, not the way the TEACHER wanted! She still loves to dance though. . . she just mastered Hannah Montana’s Hoedown Throwdown!
Sweet pictures! I love the one of her looking at herself in the mirror. So cute! I love you CB and I can’t wait to come to a recital!!