Julie called me earlier this week and said that Sweetie-pie Luke wanted to know where his Makgill was! They were looking at their pictures from the beach, and I guess he missed his playmate. So we got together for supper tonight at Shane’s Rib Shack. Rebecca and Tallon and Bryan, Kristin, and Anna also joined us. We had a great time!
Family portrait, courtesy of Bryan…I guess this is what happens when you let your dentist take your picture! Just kidding, Bryan! We love it!
Luke and Makgill definitely got there play-time in! They LOVED playing with the Buzz Lightyear laser gun that Anna brought Luke back from Disney…until Mak bumped Luke in the mouth with it. If Luke has a fat lip this weekend, you all know why. Sorry, Buddy!
Anna giving her Daddy some kissy-kisses!
Look at that HAIR!!!! Can you BELIEVE his Mama lets him out of the house like that?!?!
Robert said they look like the Cingular bars here!
we had fun playing this afternoon and at dinner- even if my son did try to hightail it out of the place! I am seriously thinking I am going to have to attach the dog leash to him at all times now!!!!!!!! Talk to ya tom!
the walmart bought kid backpack with strap I can hold on to- not a real dog leash!! didn’t want any calling DSS on me!
We had a Super fun Supper at Shane’s rib Shack with Some Seriously Stupendous Citizens!
Hey, at least I got all four of you in the picture…with Makgill giving his “G-Q” look. But what I was really concerned about was that there was some teeth showing.
Maybe I can be Collin’s apprentice……only to hear the words “You’re FIRED!”
And speaking of Tallon
that cat is FAST! He’s either going to be in the olympics or he will be running from the cops. (We all know about those preacher’s kids) Either way, as long as he minds his manners if he’s runnin after my daughter in a few years. Love those youngins.