Makgill has been begging me to pull out the play-dough since Tuesday. I have been distracting him, though, mostly for selfish reasons. Play-dough is MESSY, and, quite honestly, I haven’t wanted to chase three kids around the house with it (I have Anna). Plus, I have not introduced Clara Beth to the stuff, but I knew it would go straight to her mouth! So anyway, I started feeling a little guilty after my sweet boy asked me for the 3000th time this morning, so I gave in. And guess what?!? They did GREAT!!! Clara Beth did try to eat it, but thankfully she hated the taste and didn’t try it again (unlike her brother at that age- Mak used to call play-dough “don’t eat it!” because that’s what he heard so much when we played it!). It entertained them for quite a while. I think this may become a regular activity in our house!
SO MUCH FUN!!!! We want to play too! Looks like Mak is really creative!
Guess we’re going to have to go out and buy you all a great big tub of ORANGE play-dough!
Whicn reminds me….How did baker get so rich?….He made a LOT of “dough” 😀