I could really just copy and paste the words from the beach week blog posts throughout the years. Not a whole lot about this week changes. The babies aren’t quite so babyish, the big kids might pick up a new hobby {this year surfing and card games}, but basically it’s the same perfect week played over again each year. I always love this week. I love sharing a roof with my nieces and nephews for seven days, I love having no real schedule to follow, and I love the beach. All of that together makes this my favorite week of the year.
Cousin snuggles…the best!
But our favorite place to be is the BEACH!
Tal got a surfboard for his birthday and Mak still had his old one, so this is where the two older boys stayed. They did such a great job! I was super impressed because for the life of me I can’t figure out how a person stays up on one of those things. Collin has more photos from the underwater camera, I’ll try to do a blog post with those later.
Sweet Tate. I could just eat his little cheeks off. I do not want this baby to grow up!
He was so proud of this fish that Andrew caught for him. =)
Salty kisses…the best.
CC found {what she called} a shark’s tooth! Or a fragment of a seashell. But whatever.
Those poor little fish.
All the cousins in their Tomlinsons tees! Love! Grandaddy Tomlinson would be happy to see this, don’t you think? =)
Lots of overtired children, little bits of silliness, and a few bad attitudes. Pretty typical. I love them so much!!
By the way, these cute Palmetto tree shirts are at Tomlinsons for like $7 or something. And they’re super comfy. =)
The reward anytime we make them pose for a cousin photo…ICE CREAM!
Fake, Fake, Fake. I’ll take what I can get.
Y’all. This baby boy was CRAZY that night. Too much sun, sand, and sugar, I guess. I don’t know what it was but the boy was hilarious. he was after all of his cousins on the beach that night.
He sure is cute when he’s crazy, though.
Sweet baby!!
More beach time
And some football. Their favorite.
Love this girl!! Why do the babies have to grow up?!
CC wouldn’t look at the camera all week long, so I bribed her here. I can’t remember with what. This is the closest she would come to looking at the camera. Pretty little stinker!
Lots and lots of Uno and Shanghai was played this year. It was intense.
Tal’s expressions during card games kill me.
And that wraps it up! Beach Week 2014 was perfect. Can’t wait to do it again next time!