Cooking isn’t necessarily my thing. I wish it was my thing. It’s not that I don’t enjoy it. I do…if I’m in the right frame of mind and know exactly what I want to cook and have all the ingredients on hand…you get what I’m saying, right? I’m not one of those “Let me whip up a gourmet meal with these three saltines and half a block of cheese that I found in the kitchen”. Both my mom and my mother-in-law are pretty gifted in this area, but clearly no gene was passed down to me {the gene would come from my mom. Obviously. I get that there are no genetics between my mother-inlaw and me. That would bring on a whole new set of issues}. I want that meal for Mak. The one he hopes will be waiting on the kitchen table when he comes home from college {it will} and the one he tells his future wife about {and she will roll her eyes every single time}. I haven’t found it yet, but I will. Right now his favorite is Collin’s cheeseburgers. And I’m not sure how I got off on this tangent, but here we are. My only intention with this blog post is to record the fact that I baked Christmas cookies with my sweet ones this week, and we honestly all had a great time. They’re getting pretty big and pretty great at doing jobs that are actually useful. Not just the made up ones that you give little kids because you’re supposed to, but then have to go behind them and re-do everything that their well intentioned but sadly incapable little hands have done. Not this time. This time they did it. All of it, and they didn’t want my help. They wanted to show me that they were capable. They did the BEST job and we ended up with some really delicious cookies. In fact, I’m thinking that we’re pretty close to letting the two of them be in charge of supper one night a week. How sweet would that be?! I love these little sugars with all my heart. I would give anything for another day with them as teeny-tiny little ones, but y’all, they are SO Fun right now.
They would never in a million years admit to it, but they are each others best friends.
Emme was right there to lick up any messes that spilled to the floor. She loves it when they cook.
He just makes life so much fun. So thankful that this guy is mine.
That ponytail! I’m still a little in awe every time I look at it. Remember when she was two and had seventeen hairs on her head and I tried to put them in pigtails? We’ve come a long way!
Dancing. Always, always, always.
And now we need to do it all over again because the cookies are all gone and we are still a few days from Christmas. I love this time of year!