Craziest Studio weekend EVER!!! And we’ve had some pretty crazy weekends in the past! The Easter sessions were GREAT! Weather was perfect (we were really sweating that one out Thursday night!), kids were VERY well behaved, and the photographs turned out more beautifully than we could have ever imagined. Thank you, Lord! Collin photographed non-stop for two days, and then stayed up until after 1am on Saturday night (or I guess it was Sunday morning) getting images ready to view. Whew! Exhausting, but FUN!!! I can’t wait to share some of the weekend’s images with you.
And because I hate a post without pictures, here are some from my baby girl’s 2 year session…nearly a year ago. It’s one of those sessions that I kept meaning to share but never got around to. Sadly, that happens a lot. I’m working on doing better, though!
So anyway, here is Miss Clara Beth (who is going by “Clara” this week. Not sure why. She did this last summer as well and it lasted about 2 days.) at age 2. In less than two months my BABY will be three. I seriously can’t wrap my mind around that! She is still such a baby to me! And she wants to be, too. She likes to climb up in my lap and curl her little legs underneath her and say “I want ALL of me in your lap!” And she tells us all the time that she’s still “Soooo teeny-tiny.” Be ready for a full update on Miss CB in a couple of months! And new sessions are coming to the blog soon! Promise!
Love #3!!! I can’t believe she’s going to be 3!!!
That’s my favorite, too, Gillian! I didn’t think she had changed that much, but Wow!