Kingsley is ONE!!!

Oh my Gracious!! I CAN’T believe this baby girl is already one! Can you believe that we used the lime green chair for the very first time during her newborn session? That seems like such a long time ago in a way and then in another way it seems like that was just yesterday. Kind of like having a baby, right? You can’t remember life before them but they grow up way too fast. Sigh. By the way, y’all are more than likely going to see some pretty weepy posts about babies growing up in the next few months. I’m just warning you now, because my baby is turning FIVE soon. And it’s not that I don’t love everything about her growing up, but I’m not gonna lie…I miss having a baby. So, anyway, please bare with the weepy Momma posts! And Miss Kingsley, SLOW DOWN on the whole growing up thing!!! We love you, Baby Girl! Happy Birthday!!!


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