A busy weekend, that is. But it’s also going to be a really fun one. Right now I’m enjoying a little bit of coffee and quiet before the loud ones come charging down the stairs. This week, instead of immediately coming downstairs when they wake, Mak and CB have been meeting in Mak’s room to work on a pretty amazing (if I do say so myself. proud momma. =) ) lego creation. I love that they are working together, but morning is the best time to get snuggles, especially from Mak, and I am greatly missing that. So I sit here with coffee, having my quiet time with a whining Emme by my side, listening to the stomping coming from their playing upstairs. Why whining? Because she is a toy chewing little THIEF and is not permitted around the legos. She hears her comrades playing upstairs and is pretty doggone (HA! Doggone…I crack myself up.) upset that she is stuck in the den with me, the most boring member of the family.
But back to the weekend. Tonight will be a non photography related event. Although I’m sure the camera will be there because, well, it’s never too far away. Tonight is Relay For Life. We have never participated in this event before and are really looking forward to joining the Junebug’s Care team. Can’t wait to experience this! Tomorrow evening is an event that we look forward to all year long, The Novel Event!! It is absolutely HILARIOUS to see some of Florence’s Finest dressed up as characters from a novel. LOVE this night!!! The event benefits the Florence Area Literacy Council and is always a fun time. We will absolutely have photos to share from this night.
And lastly, on Sunday afternoon, the Bunny Benefit Tea and Fashion Show!! We are SO excited to be a part of this!! What a FUN way to kick off Spring. It will be held at the SIMT building at Florence Darlington Tech from 2:00-5:00 on Sunday afternoon. Tickets may be purchased in advance (I know Pretty N Bliss has some!) or at the door on the day of the event. There will be a children’s fashion show, an afternoon tea and a silent auction. Also a TON of Florence’s greatest Children’s vendors! We will be there photographing as well. For a donation of $25, you will receive a session and 5×7 print, and all revenue from these sessions and 5x7s will be going to The Durant Center. Additional prints may be ordered through our PACKAGE PRICING. This is HUGE, People!! These are the most economical portraits that come out of our studio, typically ONLY available at Christmas!! And I LOVE the look of these sessions. In the beginning we tossed around a few ideas that would have made the portrait more Easter themed…but we feel that if you are going to invest in a portrait of your child it should be something that you can display year-round. And besides, I really hate how the Easter Bunny has become so much of what Easter is about. Don’t get me wrong, I have no hard feelings toward the bunny. It’s just not the first thing that I want to pop into my kids’ minds when they think of Easter. Easter is the celebration of our Savior’s resurrection from the dead!!! Also, this is a fashion show so we wanted to give the photos some sort of fashion flair. I’m SO happy with what Collin came up with!! We would love for you to join us this weekend at The Bunny Benefit Tea and Fashion Show!! Here are examples of what the sessions will be like. Happy Weekend, People!
*Sidenote!! Super cute clothes in this blog post are from Very Florence (the red dress) and Pretty N Bliss (All of the other outfits!).
Oh, and by the way…this just popped into our head. This would be such a FUN option for a Senior portrait as well!!! We would LOVE to see some high fashion high school Seniors at this event!!
We are so excited too! It is going to be so much fun and for a good cause!