Getting Better…Hopefully

I think we are finally on the mend! Mak threw up for the last time at 4:00 this afternoon. The popsicle that you will see in pics did not agree with him. Later though, he was hungry so he had a banana and then a small bowl of grits. He did well with that and both kids went to bed early- 6:45. We are all exhausted!

Miss CB playing a game with her Daddy:


The popsicle that didn’t work out as planned


Clara Beth loved hers!


She DID NOT like finishing it:

All gone

Collin surprised Mak with a light-up firetruck toothbrush- He LOVED it!


Okay, folks- We were bored. REALLY BORED. So what do we do? Collin puts CB on the potty. And what does she do? She poops!!!! She was so proud and we were so surprised! She kept clapping for herself. It may not happen again for another year or so, but hey, it was good entertainment!


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