WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!! Florence has an AMAZING new playspace for families- FunDayGo! Collin and I were able to scoot over there for a few minutes last Thursday night for their “training” party. Basically, they opened the space up to friends so that the employees could experience what it would be like before the space “technically” opened. We had SO MUCH FUN! You would have thought this place had been open for years with how smoothly everything ran. There were kids and parents EVERYWHERE, but it wasn’t chaotic at all. They are really big on safety, and it’s pretty much impossible for your kid to be able to leave without you. There are two jump areas that are only for kids ages 4 and under (but parents are also allowed). These were Makgill’s favorites, however he also enjoyed going with Daddy on the “big” slides. Clara Beth stayed in the sling because she was grumpy from travelling all day, but there were plenty of babies her age playing. I definitely think she will enjoy it next time. We didn’t get a ton of pics this time (Collin didn’t have his camera), but we look forward to going back soon with the “proper”equipment. 🙂 John and Shawna, Thank-you for opening this GREAT space for families! It’s exactly what Florence needed! Makgill has woken up each morning asking if we can go back. We’ll see you there soon!