This is Makgill and Mrs. “Wussell”
I went on a field trip to a farm with Makgill and his class on Wednesday. We had so much fun! I don’t get as much one on one Mak time as I would like, so I love it when we get time together. We rode the bus to a farm in Timmonsville. The kids had a great time and they were so much fun to watch. I think Mak liked the bus more than the farm! We have loved these past few months at Calvary. His teacher is so great. Mrs. “Wussell” can do no wrong!! She told me a story about Mak that I thought was so funny. She said that she was asking him questions about the Disney trip, and he must have gotten tired of answering them because he said, “just check my Blog.” Isn’t that so funny!?! Mrs. Russell said that she had never been told by a three year old to check his blog. Anyway, the field trip was great. There will be a slideshow later. (Collin hit the button too soon)
The slideshow is ready…