Oh my goodness, we have LOTS of one year olds coming in these days! I can’t believe that all of these little ones who were SOOOO teeny just a year ago are now learning to walk and talk. This is such a fun, but BUSY, stage in parenting. Sweet Wyatt is having a cowboy party for his first birthday and along with his One Year portrait his mom wanted some custom birthday cards. What a FUN idea!
The day after Wyatt and his momma came in to view his session I saw this note that she wrote on facebook. It was so sweet and I asked her if I could put it in his blog post. I just love hearing mothers talk bout the love that they have for their children. It’s such a universal, beautiful feeling and I love the words that Lindsay used to describe the love she has for her son. As I was reading it over my morning coffee I teared up. Because the feelings she shared were the exact feelings I had when my sweet Mak was turning one…SIX years ago. I know it’s something you hear all the time from little old ladies in the grocery store or moms who are sending their babies off to college, but these days really do go by shockingly fast. Here are Lindsay’s sweet words:
“My Sweet Wyatt, In one month I can finally say I have been your mom for One Year. On March 9th 2010 I received one of the best gifts of my life. I held you so tight and was so scared when you would make the slightest movement. When we brought you home, me and daddy had no idea what to do with you next. Our first night together was so scary and stressful. You woke up screaming and I didn’t know how to fix it. I changed you, gave you milk, held you but nothing helped! So I called Grandma at 4 am. To come over. It turns out…you were cold. It was that simple. Now, almost a year later, you won’t let me hold you. You bite me when I try to kiss your sweet face. You now hold my hand and lead me down the hall to your room to play with your toys. You still sleep in My bed everynight. And I haven’t figured out if it is you or me that can’t be apart at night. Wyatt, I love you. I can’t wait to see you grow up. I can’t wait to meet all the friends you meet at school. I can’t wait for you to tell me how you feel. I pray you love me like you do now.”