Do y’all remember when I blogged everything? Seriously, EVERYTHING. This was my daily journal of what life with two little toddlers was like. Looking back on it I have absolutely no idea how I had time for all of that. But I did, and I became friends with people that I otherwise never would have because of that blog. Jessica kept a blog as well, and it was fun to see another momma out there dealing with the same stuff that I dealt with day in and day out. We both had two small children at the time, and really our lives were very similar…except for, Oh, I don’t know…the fact that she was doing the toddler parent thing all alone because her husband was across an ocean protecting my freedom. And yours. She was dealing with tantrums and tears and potty training and spilled zippy cups and ALL of that and she didn’t have her husband around to vent to at night. But not only was he not able to come home for supper at the end of the day, he was a world away in crazy dangerous conditions. I know that there are thousands of families in our country who deal with this reality every day, but this was the first time I had seen it personally. And it really struck a chord with me, you know? Jessica and I have kept up with one another on Facebook through the years, and recently the family was stationed in Columbia (they have since moved yet again!). Will and Jessica have added another son to the family, little Henry, and Will has gone on to become a Chaplain in the United States Armed Forces. While they were in Columbia we were able to meet up for a session one Saturday afternoon. It was so great to see them all and I absolutely love the way the photos turned out! Will and Jessica, thank you for the sacrifices that you have ALL made! Thank you is never enough, but please know that we appreciate all that you do, and that your family has deepened our understanding in all that military families go through. Thank you!!
Columbia, SC Family Photographer: Will, Jessica, Carlee Scott, Owen, and Henry!