Color Pop…SENIORS!!!

We are getting close! Only a handful of Color Pop sessions are remaining for February 6th and 7th. Remember, these sessions are done at a very reduced session fee and are up to 40% off regular portrait prices. But even more important than that…They are SO FUN and look SO GREAT!!! In fact, we have our display prints from our model sessions hanging in the studio now, and everyone who sees them just stops and stares. They are Amazing! I’ll have to get Collin to photograph them on the wall so I can post a picture for you to see. Anyway, here are two great girls who came in for a Color Pop session, Courtney and Macaira. They were so fun! Great personalities, GORGEOUS, and best of all, they just had fun! This is such a perfect way to get a senior portrait session in if you want a unique look (after the school’s boring pics!) but are on somewhat of a budget. If you know a senior who would be perfect for this, send them our way! High School Seniors are so much Fun!

And just for the record, our little man Mak has a serious crush on Miss Courtney!

And, Macaira…another Beauty!

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