I can’t believe that my baby girl is 9 months old already. She has the most adorable personality and is doing the cutest things. She learned to clap last week, and the girl can play peek-a-boo like no one else I know. She is pulling up, but doesn’t seem to have any real interest in walking yet. She says Da-da, Ma-ma (occasionally), and Hey (or something like it). She loves to wave at you and then bury her face and play bashful. Her brother has taught her the trick of spitting when you ask her “what do you think about Clemson?†She is over the whole baby food thing and eats pretty much whatever we are eating. I promised myself that she would stay my baby forever, but she seems to be growing up even faster than Makgill. We are enjoying every single moment with our precious, precious girl. Collin followed her around all weekend with a camera for her 9 month session. I am so excited about everything that he did! He truly captured her personality and the way that she plays when we are at home.
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