Baby Boy’s getting big!

Oh, Easton!! You had my heart from the very beginning in the hospital, Sweet one. Of course, I instantly fell in love with you. We enjoyed long snuggles and you even let Collin and me hang you in a hammock on the beach when you were just a few days old. Then you went through this little bit of craziness where you acted like you didn’t like me…arched your back and SCREAMED within 45 seconds of getting placed in my arms. What was up with that, Kid?!? Don’t you know that I am your Aron? No unhappiness allowed in my arms. Thankfully, you seem to have put your aversion to me behind you and you are once again happy to be held by me. Glad that crazy phase is over. Easton, I love you to pieces.

P.S. Your crazy expressions are straight up Brandon G and pretty much the funniest things I’ve ever seen.

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  • SusanneOctober 27, 2011 - 9:22 am

    Sweet post, Aron! And what a cutie!ReplyCancel

  • JessicaOctober 27, 2011 - 12:26 pm

    LOVE them!! The third one down needs the caption “what’s up, dude” 🙂 I see Brandon in all of them 😛 Thanks guys!ReplyCancel