As I mentioned earlier, Mom and Dad kept Tallon for a few days while Reeves and Rebecca were out of town. Mom brought Tal over on Wednesday afternoon to play in the backyard with his cousins. We had so much fun! Kristin also brought Anna over, but I only managed to get 1 picture of her before the camera’s battery died.
My sister-in-law DID send a bathing suit for Tallon, we just didn’t realize we would be getting wet, so he borrowed CB’s swim diaper (notice that his shirt is tucked into it!). He’s kind of dressed like a redneck baby in all of these pictures, but I promise Rebecca usually has him dressed super cute!
Okay, here’s the part where Aunt Aron scores babysitting points. Mom calls on Thursday morning and says that my Dad has been throwing up all night, so she and Tal are going to come spend the morning with us to get out of the “sick” house. Sounds good- more entertainment for my kids. Also, I have Anna today, so we will just all play outside until naptime. They come over and all is going well. We take the kids outside, and then Mom starts feeling bad. REALLY BAD. Oh yeah- I forgot to mention that Tal threw up 1 time on Tuesday night. Anna also threw up once on Wednesday night but both were playing well and seemed fine. So I sent Mom home which left me with 4 kids, ages 3 and under! Now, I used to think I wanted to have 6 kids. SIX?!?! Can you believe it? Foolish, young Aron! I am so thankful now that Collin has had “the procedure”. Two are definitely the right number for this household! Seriously, though, the kids were great. All were Very well behaved! Just as Mom was leaving, our painter shows up to finish painting the kitchen. How am I going to feed 4 kids lunch without being able to get in my kitchen? Quick call to Collin to say, “sorry, but I need you to cancel your lunch plans with the guys and bring me 4 happy meals.” No problem, he’s glad to do it. I love my husband! So at this point I’m outside in the blazin’ heat with 4 VERY SANDY children. What’s that smell? Tallon has given me present in his diaper! I look over and Anna has that same look on her face. Two poopy diapers, 4 filthy kids, and diapers are inside. That’s okay, I’ll just fill a bucket with water and give them each a “rinse,” then baby gate them in the sunroom. Remember, the painter is in the kitchen so we have to stay in the sunroom. They are ready to go inside, and Tal decides to dump the now sandy bucket water all over himself. He looks up at me with that super cute smile. The smile that every kid has that says “you can’t be frustrated with me- I’m too cute!” I take his shorts off and get them all inside. This, by the way, is why Tal again looks like little redneck baby. Diapers changed, kids and me locked in sunroom, all is well. We danced and played and had fun. There were of course a few fights, but overall the rest of the morning went well. Collin arrives with the food and now He is feeling bad. He helps me get them fed anyway (very good husband!), and then goes to lay down. Anna is picked up after lunch, and Miss CB goes down for a nap. I pop in a movie to watch with the boys. Tal is asleep in about 13 seconds and stays that way for almost 3 hours. Mak quietly watches the movie with me. Tal wakes up, we snack, and then Reeves and Rebecca arrive. They had a great reunion. Tal was SO HAPPY to see his Mommy and Daddy! Then Clara Beth wakes up, so I go upstairs to get her. THROW-UP IS EVERYWHERE!!! Poor, poor baby. Thank goodness Reeves and Rebecca were still there. They watched Mak while I cleaned up. Poor CB had a rough night, but hopefully we are all over it. Please pray that no one else in this household comes down with this yucky bug! Collin never threw up, he just felt really bad. My Mom, Dad, Brother Andrew (he had it the same as Collin) and his wife Erin, and Tal’s other grandmother all had THE BUG. Stay away from us! It’s very contagious and not fun at all.
Tal (and all of the kids) Loved CB’s princess chair. Thank you, Carlisle!
Tal couldn’t seem to get the gate open on his own, so he brought in his big cousin to help.
There’s that super-cute smile!
These boys are becoming so close! I love that they are going to grow up together. Now if only someone would give Clara Beth a girl cousin…