Are you ready for the beach?

Oh my Goodness, I SO am. Something about sitting in the sun with my toes between the sand…it does my heart good. A lot of the time we play the “Where is your very favorite place in the world, Momma?” game. My answer is 100% of the time going to be a South Carolina beach. To me, there is simply no place like it. I have so many memories of playing on the shore of our lovely state. I have memories of the stories that my dad told me about my grandparents and great grandparents on that same shore. My great grandfather built boats. That’s gotta be like the coolest job EVER. Except it wasn’t his job, it was his hobby. That makes it even cooler. I’ve heard stories about preparing for hurricanes, visits from the Gray Man, boat trips, fishing stories…I LOVE the SC coast. And I love that my kids are building memories here that they will one day share with their kids. So, yes…I’m very ready for some beach sessions. =)

These two sweet little ones are very familiar with the SC coast. They go there as often as they can during the Spring, Summer and Fall, and are building some pretty great memories of their own on those trips. I am SO glad that we got to hang out with Claudia and Thomas at the beach!! Actually, I’m always glad to hang out with Claudia and Thomas. Their momma and I were childhood friends and it’s so fun to continue that relationship as adults with kids of our own. Claudia and Thomas, we’ll have to do MANY more playdates at the beach this summer!!

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