Monthly Archives: July 2010

They say it’s good luck…

for it to rain on your wedding day. Well, if that’s the case, Margaret and Billy are set! Do you remember the monsoon like conditions that we had last Saturday evening?! WOW!!! The church even lost power for a few seconds just minutes before the ceremony began. The bride’s response to this? “Well, a candle...

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  • gillianJuly 5, 2010 - 10:45 pm

    the flower girls and ring bearers cracked me up!!! the cutest, ever!ReplyCancel

Sweet Caroline…Steppin’ and a little bit of A&C Life info

We are out here at Collin’s parent’s farm and having the BEST week! The weather has been gorgeous and spending time with his mom and dad has been perfect. We are so sad to be going home tomorrow. Oh, the flights went very well! CB ended up loving it. Please keep us in your prayers...

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  • gillianJuly 2, 2010 - 8:50 am

    can’t wait to see pictures from the farm! love these images of Caroline, the first one…looks like a future ballet dancer for sure 😉ReplyCancel